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The Purpose of KCC

Kingdom Christian Center (KCC), a church situated in Tacoma but serving the entire Seattle – Tacoma area. KCC is Bible teaching church that is socially relevant while striving to remain a church that feels like family.  God inhabits where His Word is honored. With this in mind, KCC emphasizes the study of the Bible, peering deeply in the biblical text through written studies provided to all. Launched in July of 2008, we are an inter-denominational that is open to all.

We are socially relevant. This first is seen in our prophetically speaking truth to governmental power especially on behalf of people of darker color. Our social relevance is lastly in our prayers for those in need, our connecting the needy to resources, and at times our providing development workshops to help underserved communities.

Promoting a family feel in church is a challenge for every church. Yet since the Bible calls brothers and sisters in Christ, we value families. Our Pastor is personable. Our services are relaxed. You can come as you are. We invite you and your family to KCC. Join us in worship of our God and in serving the Seattle-Tacoma area.

The Authority and Power of the Bible

The basic statement of faith for KCC is the Apostle’s Creed. It was the first general Statement of Faith Christians came to agree on as far back as 714 BC. Some see it as developed along with the canon of the New Testament (What Christians Ought to Believe: an Introduction to Christian Doctrine Through the Apostles’ Creed, M. Bird [2016]):

Apostles Creed:
I believe in God,
the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended into hell;
on the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy [universal]* Church,
the communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. 
            (The Latin word “catholicam” meant at the time “universal” or “one”; it was not a reference to the Catholic denomination)

The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. As the lamp to our feet and the light to our path, we can trust it to lead us to God. Psalm 119:105, 2 Timothy 3:15

God is many things including the Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. God is, at the same time, one and three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Gen.1:1-3; John 1:1-3

The wages of our sin is our death; but the gift of God for us is eternal life through Jesus Christ. We receive eternal life by repentance of our sins, and through believe in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Then confessing Jesus as Lord and maintaining this belief. Romans 6:23; 10:9

After repentance and salvation, all who can be baptized by water should be water baptized. We encourage immersion whenever possible. We encourage the baptism in the Holy Spirit. John 3:5,
Acts 8:38, Acts 19:2

Relationship with God
Christians are called to believe in God through Jesus Christ. Believe means to rely on, trust in and cling to. These are words of relationship. We are called to come to know God. This word refers to not abstract knowledge but instead to be intimately acquainted. These are words of relationship. Our belief is both a relationship and our religion. John 3:16, 17:3; James 1:27

 Social Relevance of the Gospel
Believers are called to love God and to love others as believers love themselves. The Good Samaritan parable is the model for our golden rule love. We are also called to preach to and take care of the poor. Therefore, believers must be against racism, sexism and discrimination in general. Likewise, the earth is the Lord’s and its fullness. Hence, we must be environmentalists. Psalm 24:1,
Matt. 22:37-39