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Ministries at KCC


 1To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, … 2Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers...  1 Peter 5:1-2a

Who Is The Pastor?
“Pastor” means shepherd.  Pastoring is the first ministry of the church.  I, Rev. Carl L. Livingston, Jr. am the under-shepherd of the KCC.  But, I know that Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:1-3) and Good Shepherd (John 10:11) of the entire church; I am only the under shepherd.

What Does The Pastor Do?
As under-shepherd, my duties are five-fold: I am the preacher, priest, professor, protector, and president for the church.  You could see each as a finger on a hand: the professor is the pinky finger; the president is the ring finger, the preacher is the long finger, the protector is the index finger, and the priest is the thumb.  More particularly, I am called to bring Christian renewal and advancement to the Puget Sound region.  I need your help in the ministries particularly in order to do what God has called me to do.  You need me as your shepherd to help you fulfill your part of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19) and walk in your ministry that each has (Ephesians 4:12).

Jesus Christ, the Chief Shepherd, rose with all power in heaven and in earth but determined that he would exercise his power in the earth through the church that he commissioned to “Go to all of the world…” (Matt. 28:19).  He calls people to offices such as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers in order to prepare God’s people, the church members, for works of ministry (service).  When called, believers like you and me have to respond in order to be positioned to be chosen. 

God called me, Carl Livingston, to pastor in 2004.  I was chosen and ordained in a process that began in 2004.  Even before I finished my first pastoral assignment, God called me to establish Kingdom Christian Center.  We all must be faithful to our call.

How Does the Pastor Do This?
As preacher I must oversee the evangelistic and ambassador outreach of KCC; if KCC is not growing then I as pastor and preacher am most responsible.  As the priest, I officiate at communion, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and other services.  As well, those that are saved or called while at KCC are under me, and are my sons or daughters in the ministry.  Regarding being professor, it is incumbent on me to disciple the people. I am primarily accountable to God for your spiritual development.  Concerning the presidency and protector, I am the elder of elders in the congregation, in addition to being the chief executive officer of the church in all matters of business.  If the church suffers loss, I am responsible, and it is I who will be sued along with the church in a court of law.

When Does the Pastor Under-Shepherd?
I oversee all aspects of the church including the ministries and administries at all times.  I am the under-shepherd carrying out these duties and powers at all times.  I cannot delegate the ultimate duty to shepherd and should not.  As pastor, I am accountable to God, saints, and people. 

The model for the Pastor is Jesus Christ, the head of the church, Moses who led Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness, David the shepherd-king, and Paul the great Minister to the Gentiles.  I am especially obliged to shepherd on the following days:

  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Wednesday (and Tuesday) evenings
  3. Communion Sundays
  4. Ash Wednesday
  5. Good Friday
  6. Resurrection Sunday
  7. Church Anniversary
  8. Church Advance
  9. Member Weddings
  10. Member Baby Dedications
  11. Member Funerals
  12. Meetings to set the vision of the church
  13. Meetings when the church is in crisis

How Do You Contact the Pastor?
For general matters or when turnaround time is not critical, call the Pastor during the day at (206) 788-7799.  Remember to leave a message if I do not answer.  When matters are urgent or when you need to talk to the Pastor soon, let me know that in the message.  Expect that it might take at least an hour or two for me to respond, as I might be in class (from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. generally) or a community meeting.  Feel free to call more than once.  Texting is permissible.

You all in the various ministries are helping me do the work of the church as God helps me (and the other five-fold ministries) to equip you.  Those in a ministry—elders, board, deaconate, and doorkeepers—are assisting the pastor with the service and business of the church so that all of us can be free and equipped to minister.         


5The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.6 An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. Titus 1:5-6

Who Can Be an Elder?
The shepherding ministry of the local church begins with the Pastor.  Elders assist Pastors with this load.  Elders are saved, Spirit-filled, and right living believers who have been called to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, have prepared in order to carry out the call, whose call bears witness with the Pastor, and whose eldership is needed at KCC (remember the deacons in Acts 6-8 were more saved, filled, and prepared than bishops or pastors today, yet there was no need to have them be apostles so they remained evangelist deacons.)  The calling and choosing process of being an elder is very serious and should not be entered into lightly.  The scriptures stress that those who teach are judged more harshly (James 3:1).  Elders must be baptized believers in God through Jesus Christ and otherwise meet the biblical requirements in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3.  Elders should be regular, dependable, timely members of the licensing church.  They should be serving faithfully in the ministries of the church, often serving well over a ministry to which the Pastor calls an elder. Elders must also be specifically called of God.  An Elder ought to be able to clearly convey that calling.  An Elder’s calling should be confirmed to the Pastor of the local church.  Then Elders should go through a process of licensure leading up to ordination.  Elders should distinguish themselves for ordination through study, prayer, classes, helps ministry, and leading ministries—all in support of the Pastor.    

What Do Elders Do?
The two biblical offices in the local church are the pastorate and the deaconate.   Elders are called to assist the pastor the closest, as the Pastor under-shepherds the people.  Elders are junior members of the pastorate and are to be in submission to the authority of the Pastor, and the Pastor is to be in submission to the ultimate and final authority of God, in Christ, and through God’s Spirit.  Elders assist the pastor in the following five ways: teaching, preaching, praying, and ministering

Elders should be prepared to speak quarterly at Sunday service, at mid-week service, and new member’s orientation.  An Elder’s sermon should be a biblically-based, Christ-centered, Spirited, timely message mainly revealing one text of scripture. Rarely speak as long as the Pastor.  Elders should be leaders in the various ministries.  Elders may speak at other churches, ideally with the Pastor’s approval; Elders are encouraged to speak at nursing homes, retirement centers, jails, prisons and other church revivals.

How Do Elders Do This?
Elders should be mastering the Bible and teaching in the ministry.  Teaching starts in the ministry the Elder is in and extends to such venues as Sunday School, Mid-week Service, conferences, and the sermons at KCC or at other churches.  Be apt to teach.  Elders will preach only from time to time at KCC and at other churches.  When invited to preach away from KCC, Elders should direct the inviting Pastor to call Pastor Livingston so that the Elder at KCC can be sent.  Be careful to preach on the subject requested, within the time limit asked, and dressed appropriately.

Elders should be experienced at prayers of various types.  Prayers should be appropriate for the occasion and timely.  Elders should be prayer warriors, prayerfully setting the atmosphere before service, supporting the Prayer Ministry, a vital part of the Prayer Vigil, and knowledgeable of the differences in the following types of prayers: pre-service, the invocation, offering, altar call, and benediction.  Be sure to pray at home before coming to service so as not to pray your private prayer in the public service.  It is part of the duty of Elders to be prayed up in preparation.  Elders should demonstrate their call through service in KCC ministries in addition to the Elders Ministry.   You must be examples to the flock by showing what it means to support the Pastor.  You should master the reason and rhythm of the seven supervisions and submissions.  Teaching, preaching, prayer and ministry are four duties begin in the home.  If an Elder does not servant-lead his household well than he or she is not qualified to be an Elder in the church (1 Timothy 3).

Elders are junior members of the pastorate, and the pastorate is necessary in order to under-shepherd the people.  The Pastor cannot and need not do this great work alone.  However as Pastor I have learned that it is better to be alone that to allow people as Elders who are unprepared, unrighteous, or unwilling to submit.  Elders who are prepared, righteous, and submissive are so vital and praiseworthy. 

Some Elders are called to pastor themselves down the road, or else to be on staff of KCC in a more official capacity.  This service prepares elders for their pastoring or whatever is the next level of their ministry.  Each Elder should workout a vision statement with the Pastor so that the Elder’s long term call is clear and steps are taken to so develop.  It is the intention of this Pastor to be a grandfather and so I want to launch pastors with support from KCC.  Serve well here you will not have to tear away with nothing but your Bible; you will be sent with resources and people to help you establish your new pastorate. 

When Do Elders Serve?
Elders serve and are to be instant in the conduct of their ministry in service at KCC and out of season.  Elders serve at all times.  The model for the Elder is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, the Helper, Joshua who served Moses, Timothy who was Paul’s most trusted son in the ministry (Phil. 2:19-23), and the Pastor, because Elders should always look up to their Pastor (even if the Elder knows more Bible or preaches better—it is a matter of calling and order).

Elders should be especially prepared to assistance on the following days:

  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Wednesday (and Tuesday) evenings
  3. New Members Orientation
  4. Assisting the leadership in at least one ministry other than Elders
  5. Communion Sundays
  6. Ash Wednesday
  7. Good Friday
  8. Resurrection Sunday
  9. Church Anniversary
  10. Church Advance
 Licensure and Ordination

All Elders must be licensed.  A license is just that—permission to serve.  Here the Pastor is granting permission to the would-be Elder as the Spirit leads the Pastor.  A license is at the will of the Pastor and is revocable.  The license authorizes the Elder to serve only at the licensing Pastor’s church.  A Pastor in another church has to separately give permission in order for an unordained Elder’s license to be recognized in another church.

The licensure process begins with the potential Elder requesting a meeting with the Pastor to communicate the call the potential Elder believes to be from God through Christ to be an Elder.  It is the job of the potential Elder to clearly and succinctly communicate the calling to the Pastor.   Then it is up to the Pastor to determine whether the Elder should be licensed.  The Pastor has to independently and prayerfully decide whether the calling is of God, is immediate, and that the potential Elder is ready to walk in this call.  The Pastor is duty bound to take the time he needs in order to make this determination, even if this takes weeks.  The Pastor should communicate to the potential Elder within a reasonable time whether the Pastor is still seeking spiritual confirmation as to this calling.  If the Pastor receives this confirmation then the Pastor will communicate this to the potential candidate and notify the candidate of the Sunday at which the commissioning conferring licensure will be held.  This may include the Pastor calling the candidate forward, praying for the candidate, and laying hands on him or her.   The licensed Elder should receive evidence of this licensing as credentials.  The Elder may also want to have it recognized by the State of Washington.

Elders may also choose to be on an ordination track.  This is a separate process; it should not happen at the same time as the meeting with the Pastor for licensure.  A period of proving is necessary.  There are three (3) ways to do this, each of which has to be clarified in discussions with the Pastor and then put in writing.  The first way is by completing a master’s level course of study in theology, or related area.  The second way is through excellence in teaching, preaching, and serving in the church and the community for at least seven (7) years.  The third way is some combination of course work and excellent teaching, preaching, and serving that is each less than the requirements of ways one and two combined. 

The ordination track begins with a meeting with the Pastor.  It is alright for a person to convey to the Pastor that he or she is interested in so serving or feels called of God to so serve.  The Pastor makes the final determination as to whether, when, and for how long an Elder is on an ordination track.  This should be committed to writing and made a church record.  The ordination process as well may begin with the Pastor calling the Elder forward for prayer.  The period between the initiation of the ordination process and the final commissioning in a service called for this specific purpose is the ordination track and the trial process.  During the trial process the Elder should “prove” him or herself by the following:

  1. Remaining a person of faith: believing in God through Jesus Christ; living a life of prayer, study of the Bible, and worship; witnessing to those who evidence an interest in your journey of faith
    Attending church: regularly and timely attendance, praising during the praise periods, praying at prayer times, listening actively during sermons, giving tithes and offerings, attending mid-week service, and supporting ministry events.
  2. Doing Elder work: teaching, preaching, serving in various ministries, and leading ministries.
  3. Helping the Pastor make the ministries thrive: praying for all ministries to get in place, supporting the Men’s or Women’s Ministry, joining one other ministry beyond the Elders Ministry and the Men’s or Women’s Ministry, helping all members understand that all of us are called to do the “work of the ministry”.
  4. Preparing for your ordination: learning Bible texts relative to Elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-3); learning the Statement of Faith (Attachment 1); and honing your answers to the ordination examination questions (Attachment 3).

Once you have done these things and fulfilled the requirements of your agreed ordination track, you should meet with the Pastor in order to determine the target date of your ordination.  That date could be the coming church anniversary Sunday or the following.  Once the Pastor gives the Elder on trial his or her target date, the Pastor has more work to do.  The Pastor has to assemble the Elder Ordination Council or Committee (the “Council”).  This is the committee that will examine each candidate and then prayerfully determine whether each diaconate candidate on trial is ready to be ordained.  This Council can be made up of all Pastors, Pastors and ordained Ministers, or some combination. 

In order to get the commitment of the members to serve on the Council, the Pastor has to recommend the conversion, commitment, character, call, and readiness of each Elder to the Council members.  This is serious.  They are trusting the recommending Pastor.  Should a candidate turn out to be unfit, especially if that candidate brings shame to the name of Christ and Christians in the area, responsibility falls on the ordaining Council for allowing that candidate through.  The Council members will not only question their examination process, they will wonder about the recommendation that candidate’s Pastor made to the Council members to begin with.  Please be prayerful, and take this process like the godly process it is.

Please keep in mind that your ordination examination and subsequent ordination installation service, should the Council recommend you, may include candidates from other churches.  Let’s return to explaining the process.  Once the Pastor convenes the Council, then a moderator is selected to oversee that particular process.  This usually occurs from about one to three months before the scheduled ordination service.  The service will be calendared and advertised even though there remains a questions as to whether all or any of the candidates will actually be ordained. 

Do not be concerned if you feel very nervous about going into the examination.  That is so typical.  You are doing fine.  If your Pastor continues to recommend you up to that point, you are ready for it—unless you know some grave evil in your life of which you need to inform your Pastor.  Feeling doubts going in to the process are to be expected.  Work on relaxing.  Trust God.  Keep preparing.

A good thing to do is to meet with your Pastor around a week to three days before your examination so that your Pastor may examine you to peak your readiness.  This is good not only for you but for your Pastor recommending you (and your church).  Take this preparation meeting very serious.  Pastor and candidate should have their game faces on.  Take it seriously.  The more interrogation like it is, the more realistic it will be.  We remain Christians throughout, so the interrogation is not mean-spirited.  It is simply serious.  The aim is to ask the kind of questions that will elicit the heart of the candidate as well as gauge the candidate’s readiness.  Good heart, good readiness, good candidate; bad heart, good readiness, bad candidate; good heart, bad readiness, bad candidate.  You get the idea.  The pastor will help you.  Don’t worry.  Besides, the pastor knows all of these guys who might be on your Council (smile).

You may choose to call your ministry “Elders of the Kingdom.” 


 3 But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3 NKJV

2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:2

  Worshippers led them Joshua

Who Is in This Ministry?
The Worship Leader, the musicians, the praise team, soloists, and singing groups serve in this ministry. 

What Do Members in This Ministry Do?
This ministry ushers in, promotes, and facilitates worship and praise of God through Jesus Christ at KCC, and on KCC’s behalf in the community.  The Worship Ministry, under the direction of the Leader, disciples God’s people into worship so that God’s people can become worshippers wherever they are.  The Worship Leader develops the praise team and other choirs.  The Worship Leader does at least one concert annually.  It sings for the Pastor when the Pastor speaks at other churches or related events.  The leader of this ministry reminds the members of the points from the most current of the Pastor’s messages, prepares the ministry for its principle ministering (concert, worship at 11:00 service), and sets up the members in person-to-person mentoring for short but weekly one-on-one prayer and encouragement.

How Do Those in This Ministry Serve?
The Leader leads all the worship, the musicians play, and the singers sing.  The Worship Leader leads this ministry and ensures there are regular rehearsals.  The Leader develops other praise team and choirs.  The Worship Ministry ushers in and promotes crucial, crucial work: the praise songs as well as the song of preparation for the sermon..  For, everyone who has breath should praise the Lord whether he or she is in the merry melody or the joyful noise group.  Soon every KCC member will learn to enter God’s gates with thanksgiving in our mouths, and enter his courts with praise.  You were picked for this ministry because you are a worshipper with the gift of worship.  You should be evidencing this by first your worship at home and then by your demonstrative worship in the church service.  Some will cry, some will shout; all of us should raise our hands or clap at different times in the service.

God desires and deserves the praises of His people.  As well, God inhabits the praises of his people (Psalm 22).  Praise and worship help saints grow.  Worshippers grow greater in God, and God grows greater in them and through them in ministry to the world. It prepares God’s people for the word of God.  It reaches God’s people who are more disposed to music than the word of God.  This is one of the five purposes of the Church as expressed in the Bible and explained in works like the Purpose Driven Church

The worship and praise is in various forms: singing, spoken word, dance, miming, hands raised, laying prostrate.  We want praise to be regular, relational, revelational, and rapturous.  We do not want it to be routine or ritualistic.  The worship leader and the singers should be the first to give God demonstrative praise.  We want praisers and worshippers who worship and praise before they come before the people to worship and praise.

When Does This Ministry Serve?

  1. Worship & Praise in the Regular Services
  2. Song of Preparation in the Regular Services
  3. Visitor Recognition Song (“In the Kingdom”)
  4. Offering Song in the Regular Services
  5. Invitation Song in the Regular Services
  6. Song during Special Parts of Regular Services (Communion, Baptism)
  7. Worship Wednesday (or Tuesday) annually
  8. KCC Concert
  9. Worship at Special Services (Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Resurrection Sunday, Church Anniversary, Church Advance)
  10. Singing at Other Churches, especially in support of Pastor
  11. Ministry in the Community

The Worship Ministry ministers at the beginning of the service.  Make God’s praises glorious.  The Song of Preparation should get hearts ready for the Word of God.  The offering song should support a giving atmosphere.  The invitation song should encourage congregants to say “yes” to God.  Communion or Baptism songs should be appropriate for each of these occasions.  Annually we will have a Wednesday (and Tuesday) service of praise and worship.  Annually the church will do a concert.  The Worship Ministry will sing at other churches in support of the Pastor preaching and simply to assist another church program.  Inform the Pastor and be sent—don’t just go.  Finally, this ministry will sing on the streets, in parks, in prisons, in schools, and elsewhere in order to do the work of the kingdom.

The model for this ministry is Jesus who praised his Father, David who was known as the worshiping king, and Miriam who led Israel in singing when they crossed the Red Sea victoriously.  You may choose to call your ministry “Worshippers of the Kingdom.”


 13Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? … 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. … 16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.  James 5:13-16

 1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:2-3

Who Is In This Ministry?
Those who know how to pray and have maintained a practice of prayer.  It is led by the Prayer Leader, a person who should be given to prayer and practiced in it. 

What Do The Members of This Ministry Do?
The Pastor should be devoted to prayer, as should the Elders.  The Prayer Ministry is in fact supporting and promoting the communication with God of the pastor and other elders of KCC.   Those in this ministry pray, intercede, and supplicate to God in the name of Jesus at regular meetings, before service, before events, and at the 24-hour shut-in December 29th - 30th.  The Prayer Leader ensures that there is regular prayer for the ministry, particularly before services.  The Leader calls for regular meetings with the consultation of the Pastor.  The Leader sets the agenda and ensures a record of minutes is kept. The Leader has regular meetings to build the prayer team, improve the conduct of prayer, and to assess the needs of the body. 

This ministry superintends the Prayer Request Box, brings those prayers to the Pastor, and prays over those requests along with the Pastor.  This ministry also updates and assists the Pastor with the Prayer Tree, which is a chart that engages the faithful members of KCC in church wide prayer at the request of the Pastor.  The leader of this ministry reminds the members of the points from the most current of the Pastor’s messages, prepares the ministry for its principle ministering (prayer before services, Prayer Vigil), and sets up the members in person-to-person mentoring for short but weekly one-on-one prayer and encouragement.

How Do They Do It?
Pray before our services.  Welcome the Lord’s presence and bind that of the devil.  When you pray, remember the format of the Model Prayer but also the freedom of the other prayers Jesus prayed that were different.  Pray much of the time in the categories of the Model Prayer.  On the other hand, pray according to the needs of the moment as the Spirit guides.  Pray in the Spirit, including in tongues.  Pray mostly in English so that all are edified.  The Prayer Leader opens and closes the prayer generally.  However, the Prayer Leader should share the prayer load with others so that all at prayer meetings participate in some way.

We have to launch this ministry in a more flexible way since we do not have a building and due to the fact we have members from as far as 50 miles away.  Sometimes it will mean praying on the telephone.  Prayer ministry members should be in prayer for the church starting when they get ready to leave their house.  Pray before regular and special services.  Help the Pastor put in place the Prayer Tree which we will use for emergencies or before special services.  Prayer Ministry members will also have a prominent place in the 24-hour shut-in around December 29th – 30th.   

It is important that you understand the reason and rhythm of supervision and submission.  For instance, prayer is not to be used to pray against the pastor or the direction of the ministry; the ministry is not to be used to develop a following for the Prayer Leader.  I have had all of these things happen to me as pastor.  Instead, prayer is to honor the pastor and to support the direction of the ministry. 

Prayer is communication with God, and as such, is crucial to the vitality of all churches.  God will speak to and lead us if we avail ourselves to God in prayer.  We want God to speak to and lead us. God said if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and PRAY, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then he will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

When and How Is This Done?
Prayer Meeting: Since we do not have a building yet, prayer meeting will be at an agreed time and day but probably separate locations.  This is the main prayer time and should be sometime during the week.  Inform the pastor of that day and time but be prepared to go on without him.  Spend most of the time praying not talking.  Spend some time talking and even have spells of quiet.  The prayer leader should not pray more than fifty percent of the time generally.  Pray fervently, scripturally, and in faith.  Pray in English mostly, but be led at times to pray in tongues.  Pray in the interpretation in English thereafter, especially when two or more are praying (alone you can pray in tongues all day, for you are edifying your own spirit). 

Prayer before Service: Pray before the service to help prepare for the visitation and move of God.  You may not be able to do this as a group right now.  If not, then pray individually.  Remember not to interrupt any choir or dancers preparing.  As well, be sensitive to others using the facility so that we are good neighbors, and so let our light shine (Matthew 5:16).

Prayer Before Events:  Pray before church events to help prepare for the visitation and move of God at that event.  Some events such as Good Friday or the church anniversary may require longer prayer and maybe fasting (Matthew 5:16).

24 hour shut-in December 30th : Although January brings in the secular New Year in the west, Christians have embraced it for over one thousand years (incidentally, the Jews have moved from celebrating the New Year around Passover in the spring to do so around Rosh Hashanah in the fall).   For cleansing and positioning, we will end the old year in a round the clock prayer and fasting.  The pastor will lead this with the other elders.  However, the prayer team will be critical as this is down the heart of this ministry.   Work with the pastor on clarifying the venue, schedule, who will pray every hour or three, who will sing during each block, and how to get maximum attendance.

Crucial to the ministry are the following days or events.  The participation of members, and particularly leaders, is urged:

  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Wednesday (and Tuesday) evenings
  3. Communion Sundays
  4. Ash Wednesday
  5. Good Friday
  6. Resurrection Sunday
  7. Church Anniversary
  8. Church Advance

Prayer Models: the models for the Prayer Ministry are these biblical models:

             Moses, Hanah, Ezekiel
You may choose to be called “Prayer Warriors of the King.”

Crown Ministry

 31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life. Proverbs 16:31

 2Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance. 3Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:2-5

Who Is In This Ministry?
This ministry is for those who are 65 years of age and older.  Please keep in mind that in the Bible, to be senior or an elder is a good thing. 

What Do The Members of This Ministry Do?
This ministry is about: fellowship, mentorship, and discipleship.  Fellowship bespeaks the need to get together just to let your hair down.  Have some fun.  Find reasons to meet.  Allow some to meet in different ways depending on whether they bowl, play spades (without gambling), watch a movie, or meet to eat.  The Leader calls for at least quarterly meetings with the consultation of the Pastor.  The Leader sets the agenda and ensures a record of minutes is kept.  With regard to mentorship, Crown Ministry members will make sure that, together with the Men and Women’s Ministries, a good outreach is done to mentor the younger folks.  Remember the scripture above about what the older men and older women are to do for the younger men and younger women.  This is scripture; we must be examples of it.  Scripture for us is not a suggestion—it is a command.  As to discipleship, Crown Ministry members should think of how to make the most of the conference and other studies to teach seniors how to live more active and full lives in God. 

The leader of this ministry reminds the members of the points from the most current of the Pastor’s messages, prepares the ministry for its principle ministering (Senior’s Conference, Fall Mentorship Outreach), and sets up the members in person-to-person mentoring for short but weekly one-on-one prayer and encouragement.

How Is This Done?
Fall Mentorship Outreach: Work with the Men and Women’s Ministries to ensure that serious mentorship will occur to help our kids learn what those in this ministry all ready know about how to live well in this life.

Senior’s Conference: You pick the date.  This conference will be about retiring better, how to maximize your money, senior single hood and dating, Bible Studies on seniors used in ministry, free estate planning (wills, general power of attorney, and living wills), tips on staying youthful, cooking faster and healthier.

Senior Fellowship: Potlucks, walking buddies, playing spades (no gambling), watching a movie (say Tyler Perry).  These can be monthly or every third month.  You decide.

Meeting with the Pastor: annually there will be a meeting with the pastor and the seniors about how the church is fairing, what needs improving, and where we are going.

The older are more like God than are the younger.    God is called the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:9,13, 22).  Even the Elders who serve in the pulpit with the pastor are called this because of the respect for being older.  Your grey hair is a crown.  The Egyptians (Kemites) knew God as the Ancient of Days as well.  Thus, the scripture above on gray hair being a crown is no accident or insignificance.  It is intentional and important.  Hence, the name of the ministry: Crown Ministry.  This ministry is a type of parental ministry to the Men’s, Women’s, Youth, and Children’s ministries.

Crucial to the ministry are the following days or events.  The participation of members, and particularly leaders, is urged:

  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Wednesday (and Tuesday) evenings
  3. Communion Sundays
  4. Ash Wednesday
  5. Good Friday
  6. Resurrection Sunday
  7. Church Anniversary
  8. Church Retreat

Models for this Ministry:
                   Jesus Christ,  Moses, Caleb 
                 (But not Methuselah for he was not known for anything except for his age.)



 6Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. 7In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. Titus 2:6-8

 8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

           1 Corinthians 16:13, 14    ;   Job 29

Who Is In This Ministry?
This ministry consists of the Leader, men in other leadership positions in the church, and all of the men and boys of KCC.  In fact, this ministry should attempt to reach the men and boys in the lives of any member of KCC, as well as the men and boys in the community who want to come to events of this ministry.

What Do The Members of This Ministry Do?
This ministry is for fellowship, discipleship, and mentorship of men in KCC and on behalf of KCC to the community.  Fellowship is primarily among adult men at KCC.   Discipleship is primarily among adult men at KCC and in the community.  The mentorship is in the Young Adult ministry at KCC and in the community.  The leader of this ministry reminds the members of the points from the most current of the Pastor’s messages, prepares the ministry for its principle ministering (Men’s Conference, Fall Mentorship Outreach), and sets up the members in person-to-person mentoring for short but weekly one-on-one prayer and encouragement.

How Is This Done?
The Men’s Ministry will fulfill their service by holding a Father’s day service, a Fall Mentorship Outreach, the contribution to the Mother’s Day Service, and hold regular (or periodic) men’s meetings.  The Leader calls for regular meetings with the consultation of the Pastor.  The Leader sets the agenda and ensures a record of minutes is kept.

Fall Mentorship Outreach:
The purpose of this event is to reach the boys in the Youth Ministry and the young adult men in the Warriors of the Kingdom ministry.  These men need to learn character (including respect for authority), the importance of work, some business ideas, love of God, how to love themselves (education, health, affirmation), and how to treat a woman.  The men in this ministry should plan teaching around a fun event in order to get maximum participation.  That event could be a Monday night football game, a trip to see the Portland Trailblazers play (and talk to the men on the bus)—something that would make older boys and younger men look forward to it.  Think as well of inviting the men in the life of the women in the church who may be older.  This may be a way to lead to Christ that husband or “friend” of a sister who may be 50 or 60.  Think about what would have peaked your interest when you were in the world.

Father’s Day Service
Father’s Day is in June and it is a day for KCC to invite a speaker at the 11:00 service, as well as for the men shaping this service in ways that speak to the men of the church.  Work with the Pastor on who to pick.  Be open to the Pastor’s ideas.  Feel free to decide on 3 – 5 preachers that you would like to hear from (remember that the cost for some preachers is in the multiple thousands).  Think as well of men singing and of a man giving a special reading.  Men should handle the entire service, except for the women’s contribution.  The aim of the service is to enhance the understanding of both men and women of the purpose and role of men in Christ in these times.

Mother’s Day Service Contribution
I want the men to do some kind of presentation to women on their program as well as some other kind of gift to each of them on Mother’s Day.  The presentation could be a song the men sing, a rap, a poem read, a statement honoring women, a skit.  The gift could be washing their cars, giving them flowers, or presenting them cards for a manicure.  It should be something women would appreciate (ask another woman to make sure women will like the gift).

Men’s Ministry Meetings 
You may meet monthly but do not have to.  On the other hand, it is imperative that meetings be held to prepare for the Fall Mentorship Outreach and the Father’s Day Service.   The Men’s Ministry leader calls the meetings and presides over them.  For a guide as to how to order the meeting, see the agenda models at the end of this notebook.  If you do not know what scripture to use, then use the ones at the beginning of this section of the notebook or something in Psalms.

Points of a Prince
It may be helpful to remind the men annually of the five points the Pastor has spoken on.  Men are paramours, presidents, providers, protectors, and priests.  Notice how these dovetail with the five duties/powers of the Pastor.  As paramour, men are lovers.  A paramour can love in good or bad ways and so this feature of manhood has to be in check.  Men still have to learn how to lover better, deeper, and more sacrificially.  This is the pinky finger.  The ring finger is president.  Men are the president of the marriage; the president is not a tyrant (no room for pimps, players, or procrastinators).  Men are to lead gently and by example (Ephesians 5; 1 Peter 3).

Men are providers.  We may not make more than our wives but we should work wisely and well.  Strive to provide for your household.  Be men of training and hard work, arriving early and leaving a little late.  Be not slothful (Proverbs 6:6-11).

We are protectors.  Men have generally been good at this.  Remember though to stay as strong as you can be.  Work out.  You never know when you will have to defend your family. 

Lastly, men are priests.  This we have failed at the most.  Priests teach scripture, take sacrifices, and talk to the Savior.  We should be able to teach the Bible well; we have to be able to worship—bringing God the sacrifices of praise; and we should be able to pray to God for ourselves and our family.

God has called the Adams of the world to leadership in the world.  We know that men and women are equal, but within this equality men are leaders.  We are not tyrants though.  Christ the Second Adam, has done for us what the first Adam could not do.  There is one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ.  We are growing as Christ did as priests, protectors, providers, presidents, and paramours so that like Christ we can grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.  We know that women have been holding family, body of Christ, and community together.  We want to take our role in order that men and women working together can do the work of the kingdom of God in church and community.  We are against unbelief, unproductivity, and violence against women and other men.  We are for building strong churches, strong families, hard and smart work, promoting good businesses, investments, seeing women become all that they can be, and promoting strong male models in the world.

We want Job 29 and 1 Corinthians 16 men.  This is the goal.  To whom much is given, Job 29 is required.  Otherwise, it is 1 Corinthians 16.  Dean Barnes, the founding head of the Men’s Ministry helped bring 1 Corinthians 16 o the attention to the men at KCC.  It is the perfect goal for men being perfected into true manhood.

We will do this by teaching boys and men how to biblically walk the hoods of life: Boyhood, Manhood, Husbandhood, Fatherhood, and Elderhood. 

Crucial to the ministry are the following days or events.  The participation of members, and particularly leaders, is urged:

  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Wednesday (and Tuesday) evenings
  3. Communion Sundays
  4. Ash Wednesday
  5. Good Friday
  6. Resurrection Sunday
  7. Church Anniversary
  8. Church Advance

Models for the ministry are: Father God, Jesus (one mediator, the man Jesus Christ), Moses, and the Pastor.  Not Adam or Eli.


 28 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. Joel 2:28-29

             Proverbs 31

Who Is In This Ministry? 
This ministry consists of the Leader, women in other leadership positions in the church, and all of the women and girls of KCC.  In fact, this ministry should attempt to reach the women and girls in the lives of any member of KCC, as well as the women and girls in the community who want to come to events of this ministry.

What Do The Members of This Ministry Do?
This ministry is for fellowship, discipleship, and mentorship of women in KCC and on behalf of KCC to the community.  Fellowship is primarily among adult women at KCC.   Discipleship is primarily among adult women at KCC and in the community.  The mentorship is in the Young Adult ministry at KCC and in the community. 

The leader of this ministry reminds the members of the points from the most current of the Pastor’s messages, prepares the ministry for its principle ministering (Women’s Conference, Fall Mentorship Outreach), and sets up the members in person-to-person mentoring for short but weekly one-on-one prayer and encouragement.

How Is This Done?
The Women’s Ministry will fulfill its service by holding a Mother’s day service, a Fall Mentorship Outreach, the contribution to the Father’s Day Service, and hold regular (or periodic) Women’s meetings.  The Leader calls for regular meetings with the consultation of the Pastor.  The Leader sets the agenda and ensures a record of minutes is kept.

Fall Mentorship Outreach: the purpose of this event is to reach the girls in the Youth Ministry and the young adult women in the Warriors of the Kingdom ministry.  These women need to learn character (including respect for authority), what it means to be a women, how to love who they are, how to nurture, how to develop their abilities, love of God, and how to treat a man.  The women in this ministry should plan teaching around a fun event in order to get maximum participation.  That event could be a cook-in, a time of sharing around food brought, a sleep-over, a fashion show—something that would make older girls and younger women look forward to it.  Think as well of inviting the women in the life of the men in the church who may not be attending.  This may be a way to lead to Christ that wife or “friend”.  Think about what would have peaked your interest when you were in the world.

Mother’s Day Service: Mother’s Day is in May and it is a day for KCC to invite a speaker at the 11:00 service, as well as for the women shaping this service in ways that speak to the women of the church.  Work with the Pastor on who to pick.  Be open to the Pastor’s ideas.  Feel free to decide on 3 – 5 preachers that you would like to hear from (remember that the cost for some preachers is in the multiple thousands).  Think as well of women singing and of a woman giving a special reading.  Women should handle the entire service, except for the men’s contribution.  The aim of the service is to enhance the understanding of both women and men of the purpose and role of women in Christ in these times.

Father’s Day Service Contribution: I want the women to do some kind of presentation to men on their program as well as some other kind of gift to each of them on Father’s Day.  The presentation could be a song the women sing, a rap, a poem read, a statement honoring men, a skit.  The gift could be coffee mugs, car fresheners, or a pen.  It should be something men would appreciate (ask another man to make sure men will like the gift).

Women’s Ministry Meetings: You may meet monthly but do not have to.  On the other hand, it is imperative that meetings be held to prepare for the Fall Mentorship Outreach and the Mother’s Day Service.   The Women’s Ministry leader calls the meetings and presides over them.  For a guide as to how to order the meeting, see the agenda models at the end of this notebook.  If you do not know what scripture to use, then use the ones at the beginning of this section of the notebook or something in Psalms.

Princess’s 5 principles: it may be helpful to remind the women annually of the five points the Pastor has spoken on.  Women are paradise, vice-presidents, producers, professors, and prophetesses.  Notice how these dovetail with the five duties/powers of the Elders to the Pastor.  As paradise, women are the masters of the love as well as its highest earthly object.  We do not mean that a woman is perfect, as both men and women need to learn to love better.  This is the pinky finger.  The ring finger is vice-president.  Men are the president of the marriage; sometimes, though, a vice-president can and should run things (just as Dick Cheney).  Women are not to let a man lord over them or be a tyrant in their lives (Ephesians 5; 1 Peter 3).

Women are producers: they took a little and make a lot out of it.  Women do this with groceries, making wonderful meals out of them (as do men); women take fabric and bring interior design; women take words and over time produce attitudes and personalities; and they take a sperm and bring back a whole life.  This is the middle or long finger on the hand. Women are professors.  Men do not begin to teach as much as women.  Our mothers in our lives taught us how to wake-up, dress, eat, stand, walk, work, and rest.  This is the index finger. 

Lastly, women are prophetesses.  Women can have a special sensibility to God that men generally do not share.  Women often flow more in the dimensions of the Spirit such as tongues, the interpretation of tongues, prophecy, and discernment.  Moreover, women speak truth to power.  The man may have the power of the priesthood, but women speak truth to that power when necessary.

God has called the Eves of the world to co-leadership in the world.  We know that women and men were given dominion in Genesis 1.  This is significant because of the law of first things.  Whatever God says first is important and God will come back to.  Men and women having dominion is something that is important and that God increasingly comes back to.  At the same time, women should not be afraid to be submissive because women know that all people have to submit in multiple ways in this life.  Submission always begins with every thing and every person submitting to God.  Children are to submit to parents, the younger to the older, students to teachers, employees to employers, the governed to governors, and the people to their pastors.  Similarly, wives submit to husbands in ways that do not take away a wife’s personality or dominion.  God created the rhythm in life of supervision and submission.  Yet, God demands that this rhythm still produce co-dominion in men and women.

Moreover, women are equal.  1 Corinthians 11:11,12 and Galatians 3:28 say as much.  As stated earlier, women have been holding family, body of Christ, and community together.  God made women strong and soft, powerful and nurturing.

We want Proverbs 31 women.  Women will do this by walking the hoods of life:  Girlhood, Womanhood, Wifehood, Motherhood, and Elderhood.

Crucial to the ministry are the following days or events.  The participation of members, and particularly leaders, is urged:

  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Wednesday (and Tuesday) evenings
  3. Communion Sundays
  4. Ash Wednesday
  5. Good Friday
  6. Resurrection Sunday
  7. Church Anniversary
  8. Church Advance

Women’s Ministry Models are these: the Holy Spirit (although the Spirit is male even more), Deborah the Judge (read “Prime Minister” of Israel in Moses’ seat under God the King of Israel Judges 4:4), Priscilla (wife, teacher, missionary and co-worker of Paul’s Romans 16:3), Sarah (the greatest and model wife in all of the Bible 1 Peter 3:6) always the Lady Evie.  (Not Jezebel or Athaliah of the Old Testament.)

Relationship Ministry

  23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. 25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. Genesis 2:23-24

15 Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. Song of Songs 2:25

Who Is In This Ministry?
Those in this ministry are the ministry leader and those in, or desirous of having, a serious male – female relationship.  Those who are married are definitely a part of this ministry.

What Do The Members of This Ministry Do?
This ministry exists to promote the holding of serious relationships together better.  It is about the Creator, covenant, human creation, love, and loyalty.  This ministry also involves fellowship, discipleship, and mentorship of those in serious relationships. The leader of this ministry reminds the members of the points from the most current of the Pastor’s messages, prepares the ministry for its principle ministering (Relationship Conference), and sets up the members in person-to-person mentoring for short but weekly one-on-one prayer and encouragement.

How Is This Done?
This ministry will do the following things: a relationship conference on Valentine’s Day, home gatherings over food, attending relationship conferences, and relationship counseling.

This ministry promotes and protects marriage, the first institution God created on earth.

Crucial to the ministry are the following days or events.  The participation of members, and particularly leaders, is urged:

  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Wednesday (and Tuesday) evenings
  3. Communion Sundays
  4. Ash Wednesday
  5. Good Friday
  6. Resurrection Sunday
  7. Church Anniversary
  8. Church Advance

 Models:  The Godhead 
                       Jesus the Bridegroom and the church, the bride
                       The Lover and the Beloved of the Song of Songs
                       Abraham and Sarah
                       Aquila and Priscilla
                       Not: Adam and Eve, Israel to God, Hosea and Gomer


 1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them"- Ecclesiastes 12:1

 I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one. 1 John 2:14

Who Is In This Ministry?
This ministry is made up of the leader, and those between 16 years of age and 35.

What Do The Members of This Ministry Do?
This ministry involves fellowship, discipleship and mentorship of the young adults at KCC.  This ministry may also lead them in service (ambassadorship).  The Leader calls for regular meetings with the consultation of the Pastor.  The Leader sets the agenda and ensures a record of minutes is kept.

The leader of this ministry reminds the members of the points from the most current of the Pastor’s messages, prepares the ministry for its principle ministering (Back-to-School Revival, Fall Mentorship Outreach), and sets up the members in person-to-person mentoring for short but weekly one-on-one prayer and encouragement.

How Is This Done?
This ministry will be made up our youth through young adult meetings, a youth choir, a dance group, and through spoken word.  Because the Young Adults are of the hip hop generation, this will be a hip hop ministry.  It is hip hop in its informal dress, dance, music, and worship.  It is also important to support concerts for the youth and young adults.  Kirk Franklin, the Gospel Ganstas, BBJ,  and others can do far more in a short period of time impacting our young adults for Christ than many of us can do speaking to them over the course of months.

These young adults are the joy of our lives and the object of our tremendous investments.  We utterly want to see them become what they can become.  Furthermore, they are the church of today and tomorrow.  What we start they will finish; that is, if we do our part to spiritually invest in and give room to their gifts and tastes.  We can help our youth grow up in Christ and make a difference in their generation.  We can help them advance the kingdom to the point of ushering in the Second Coming of Christ.

Crucial to the ministry are the following days or events.  The participation of members, and particularly leaders, is urged:

  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Monthly Young Adult meetings
  3. Young Adult Outreach Conference or Event
  4. Young Adult Mentoring with the Men and Women’s Ministry

This ministry can meet on Sundays in from about 11:30 – 12:15 in a breakout service just to check in with the Young Adults and to inform them of the upcoming monthly meeting.  Pastor wants the Young Adults to Usher and to take other leadership roles once a month at the 11am main church service.

             Monthly Young Adult meeting where young adults can meet around food to support each other, receive ministry and plan their outreach or other events.
             Young Adult Outreach Conference is an annual conference or forum or even Spoken Word or Talent Show at which the young adults can do ministry their way.  Young Adults in the ministry will                     plan and put this event on.   
             The mentoring with the Men and Women’s Ministry will be led by the Men and Women’s Ministries but will include Young Adults having a voice and a role as well.

 Young Adult Models are these: Jesus, David, and Timothy.


  13Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them.  14Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 15When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.  Matthew 19:13-15

Who Is In This Ministry?
The Leader of this ministry, the parents of the children of KCC from the age of 1 year to 12 years of age, as well as their children from 1 – 12 years of age.

What Do The Members of This Ministry Do?
This ministry entails fellowship, discipleship and mentorship of the children of KCC.  This ministry may also lead them in service (ambassadorship).  The Leader calls for regular meetings with the consultation of the Pastor.  The Leader sets the agenda and ensures a record of minutes is kept.

How Is This Done?
This ministry will build-up our children through children’s service on Sundays, a children’s choir, a dance group, and through spoken word.  We will provide our children excellent teaching materials and good teachers so that they will learn about the characters of the Bible as well as the principles of good character in the Bible. 

Our children are the joy of our lives and the object of our tremendous investments.  We utterly want to see them become what they can become.  Furthermore, they are the church of today and tomorrow.  What we start they will finish; that is, if we do our part to spiritually invest in and give room to their gifts and tastes.  We can help our children grow up in Christ and make a difference in their generation.  We can help them advance the kingdom to the point of ushering in the Second Coming of Christ.


  1. Sunday mornings
  2. Wednesday (and Tuesday) evenings
  3. Communion Sundays
  4. Ash Wednesday
  5. Good Friday
  6. Resurrection Sunday

Our Children’s Ministry Models are as follows: Jesus, David, the Lad with the bread and fish.